Hmmm.. med skräckblandad förtjusning ser jag fram emot er återkomst på måndag. Det är jättekul att NI kommer tillbaka, men sedan är det ju det där med de fåniga souvenirerna...
Era pins slipper jag väl dock se! Eller ska ni börja använda cykelväskorna även till jobbet? I så fall kräver jag även blöjbyxa på!!!
Sköt om er nu och smit in på ett kapell och se till att göra en ärbar kvinna av Eva! (Eller är det redan gjort...?????)
Hello Ulf & Eva, we just arrived at home and have now a look in your cycle blog. Great compliment to your tour and your blog. We left the Via Claudia Augusta at Rovereto and cycled to the Lago di Garda. There we stayed one day to recover and to swim in the lake. Than we coninued our trip to Lago d'Iseo, where we also stayed one day. We went by ship to an island called Monte Isola. It was a great day. We hiked around the island, went swimming and visited pitoresque villages in the mountain. After that we cycled to Bergamo, an old town on the top of a mountain and finally the next day to Milano, where we stayed 2 days for shopping and sightseeing. After approx. 1200 km and 5500 m altitude we are back now at home. The bicycles are o.k. after the flight and I have to go to work tomorrow. We are happy to have met you both so kind people on our tour and if you want to get in contact with us you can find our email adress below. All our best wishes for your tour Dagmar & Harald Wegmann Email:
Thanks for your comment. It was nice to here from you and about your trip. We are also back at home and back to work. We will keep in touch with you by mail further on, we are a bit busy right now. Regards Ulf & Eva
Hmmm.. med skräckblandad förtjusning ser jag fram emot er återkomst på måndag.
SvaraRaderaDet är jättekul att NI kommer tillbaka, men sedan är det ju det där med de fåniga souvenirerna...
Era pins slipper jag väl dock se! Eller ska ni börja använda cykelväskorna även till jobbet? I så fall kräver jag även blöjbyxa på!!!
Sköt om er nu och smit in på ett kapell och se till att göra en ärbar kvinna av Eva! (Eller är det redan gjort...?????)
/Maria på jobbet
Nu har souvenirsamlingen svällt så mycket så vi måste nog börja fördela även till ditt skrivbord... //Eva o Uffe
SvaraRaderaHello Ulf & Eva,
SvaraRaderawe just arrived at home and have now a look in your cycle blog. Great compliment to your tour and your blog. We left the Via Claudia Augusta at Rovereto and cycled to the Lago di Garda. There we stayed one day to recover and to swim in the lake. Than we coninued our trip to Lago d'Iseo, where we also stayed one day. We went by ship to an island called Monte Isola. It was a great day. We hiked around the island, went swimming and visited pitoresque villages in the mountain. After that we cycled to Bergamo, an old town on the top of a mountain and finally the next day to Milano, where we stayed 2 days for shopping and sightseeing. After approx. 1200 km and 5500 m altitude we are back now at home. The bicycles are o.k. after the flight and I have to go to work tomorrow. We are happy to have met you both so kind people on our tour and if you want to get in contact with us you can find our email adress below. All our best wishes for your tour
Dagmar & Harald Wegmann
Thanks for your comment. It was nice to here from you and about your trip. We are also back at home and back to work. We will keep in touch with you by mail further on, we are a bit busy right now. Regards Ulf & Eva